Which is the law that the Austrian would be breaking, Mr. Juncker? It’s Tsipras, Merkel and Renzi who are breaking a Treaty, the austrians are subjected to other people’s trickery.

The Austrians are not breaking any law, Juncker says “illegal” like the drunkard mason he is. This really I cannot stand. It is the Dublin Treaty which is being disattended and the austrians had signed the Dublin Treaty not a treaty, that does not exist anywhere that stated they had to take unlimited number of immigrants or refugees.
As a matter of fact the European Commission is accusing the people who respect the laws of being “illegal” and the people who are doing illegal things, Renzi, Merkel and Tsipras, of being good, they are beyond the rule of law and the austrians know it.  They, the EU commissioners disgust me, they are trickery liars. Tsipras and Avramopoulos, from the heights of being leaders of a failed country, failed mainly because their authorities lied on their economy, now want to make also Britain and Austria fail like them, imposing a continuous flood of immigrants. I feel pity for the greek citizens, but the greek politicians are worse than the italian ones. Renzi, the italian clown who tries to pretend to be a statesman which he isn’t, is just a smuggler eager to smuggle his people into Europe. If the Dublin Treaty is over, all of the EU is over. File for the exit of your country.
